About this blog

This blog was created to be a creative outlet as I ventured through medical school (and hopefully to be continued beyond that as I am sure my career in medicine will only get more interesting). It is anonymous to protect myself, colleagues, and any patients, real or imagined, that may be mentioned.

I am recently graduated and starting a residency in Family Medicine! I am passionate about primary care, preventative medicine and building relationships with patients.

The blog address? In medical school I had to become accustomed to being a number. It is not that the professors don't care but doing well means being dedicated to self-directed learning. No one holds your hand or makes sure you go to every lecture. It is presumed that if you are admitted to medical school you wanted to be here so you better act like it.

Unfortunately this idea of "numbers" is often applied to patients as well. I call myself a number in jest, but I think all doctors should strive to not make their patients feel the same way. Every patient deserves a health care experience catered to their needs.

This blog will be sometimes funny, sometimes thoughtful and sometimes meant to provide advice to others wanting to pursue a career in medicine.

I hope you enjoy it!

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